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View Online Request GuideThe Awesome Gallery, in partnership with The Awesome Company, a local screen-printing company based
in Grove City, Ohio that employs autistic adults, is set to launch two special monthly events.
The Morning Creatives will take place in The Awesome Gallery main space on last Sunday of every month
from 10 a.m. – noon. It’s open to autistic and neurodivergent adults who enjoy crafts and making things and
want a safe and understanding space. Free coffee and art supplies will be provided to all attendees. The
first one is scheduled for Sunday, January 26.
“It’s a way to softly make friends, be around people who are alike,” says Jacquie Mahan, founder and
owner of The Awesome Company and The Awesome Gallery. “It’s a place to “unmask” and create a
“community” of understanding and fun.”
According to Mahan, she feels the need for this kind of event is crucial because her experiences with this
community show her that unfortunately, most neurodivergent people do not have the money, connections
or ability to create a safe space like this for themselves and can become too overwhelming.
“Many individuals with autism are forced to be on the poverty line due to limitations with receiving social
security or other income,” adds Mahan. “There is also a discomfort for new places, loud noises and new
people that make autistic people not want to attend events. It’s too scary and triggering for them.”
To solve these issues, Mahan aims to provide a consistent place and time, a predictable activity, and people
who they know. The need or stress of finding the money to enjoy this activity is removed since
refreshments and supplies are provided.
“I have tackled employment with The Awesome Company but wanted to find a way to expand social
opportunities for those who are seeking to do more outside of work,” states Mahan. “I want to use The
Awesome Gallery space for more than hanging autistic artists’ work. I want it to be a space for autistic
people to know they belong and can find ways to connect with each other.”
A monthly movie night is also in the planning stages. It’s another way to provide a safe, adult activity for
those who are looking to connect with others but in a more controlled space that accommodates those
who may have unique sensitivities or needs. It will take place every second Wednesday with the first one
scheduled for February 12.
“If we have two consistent activities every month that neurodivergent and autistic people enjoy,” adds
Mahan. “Then we are helping bridge the space between employment and personal life.”
The Awesome Gallery space is housed adjacent to The Awesome Company located at 3400 Southwest Blvd,
Grove City, OH 43123. For more info, please email