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Register for a day of learning from expert speakers, enjoy delicious food, shop from garden-related vendors, network with like-minded friends and so much more!

This year’s symposium theme is Herbs & Flowers & More…Oh My!

Cost: $50 ~ the fee covers presentations, breakfast, and lunch


8:00 AM: Guest Check-in, Continental Breakfast, and Shopping
8:45 AM: Welcome and Opening Comments
9:00 AM: Debra Knapke – Herbs: Sustainers of the Garden and the Gardener
10:00 AM: Break and Shopping
10:30 AM: Pamela J. Bennett – It Doesn’t Have To Be All Or Nothing! Creating A Pollinator Habitat In An Established Garden
11:30 AM: Break, Lunch, and Shopping
12:45 PM: Announcements and Door Prize Drawings
1:00 PM: Dianne Kadonaga – Herbacious Forests: Incorporating Herbs Into Edible Forests & Shade Gardens
2:00 PM: Break and Raffle Prize Drawings
2:30 PM: Traci Gallagher – The Magic and Healing Power of Plants
3:30 PM: Closing Comments and Final Door Prize Giveaway

Register Here:

Contact herbs@gantzgardensoh.org or call (614) 871-6323


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