Join us at the visitor center as we celebrate the release of
Tamara Solt‘s new book, “Field Guide to Living a Life of Commitment, Courage, and Honor: 10 Principles to Ignite Your Inner Compass”
From the author:
“I’m thrilled to share this labor of love with all of you!

In this book, I delve into the key principles that have guided me on my journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It’s a guidebook to help you tap into your inner compass and embrace a life of commitment, courage, and honor.
Within the pages of Field Guide, you’ll find practical insights, inspiring stories, and actionable steps to help you navigate life’s challenges with gratitude and courage.

Whether you’re navigating a divorce and becoming a single parent, a career transition, empty nest syndrome, or any other significant change, I understand that starting over
or being unsure of your true path in life can be daunting. I’ve been there.
Regardless of your circumstances, living the life you truly desire is within reach. I spent seven years in the U.S. Marine Corps and learned from a young age how to face fears, set hard goals, and live a life of gratitude. I will show you that by using the core values I learned in the Marine Corps, the values of commitment, courage, and honor, you too can find your true purpose, embark on a journey of self-discovery, and bring about the changes you most deeply desire.”
Books are currently available for Kindle pre-order on
Amazon or the Nook at
Barnes and Noble! Copies of the book will be available for purchase during the event as well.